Current News

News: 09.02.00

Insound.com now has "Swallowed by the Sun" available for sale online. No such luck for finding the live performance at Brownie´s but we´ll keep you informed. There are two new bits of press recently added to the press section. I´ve been thinking alot about putting up some old Squash Blossom music. There is a wealth of music never heard by anyone other than the band somewhere. It´s just a matter of finding it. Well that´s about all for now.... Keep coming back for more, coming soon are Fall Tour Dates. Oh, and if you´ been wondering about why there´s never any new photos, it´s cause we don´t have access to a scanner any longer....sigh.....we´re working on that too.

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Sweeder . 1658 N. Milwaukee Ave . PMB 151 . Chicago . IL . 60647
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